Crime, Media, Culture

Sandberg, Sveinung and Ugelvik, Thomas (2016) "The past, present, and future of narrative criminology: A review and an invitation" in Crime, Media, Culture.

Sveinung Sandberg and Thomas Ugelvik have edited a special issue of Crime, Media, Culture that focuses on narrative criminology. In this issue they have written the editorial "The past, present, and future of narrative criminology: A review and an invitation" and the articles:

Sandberg, Sveinung (2016) "The importance of stories untold: Life-story, event-story and trope"  

Ugelvik, Thomas (2016) "Techniques of legitimation: The narrative construction of legitimacy among immigration detention officers"


Read Crime, Media, Culture August 2016; Vol. 12, No. 2 here.

Published Aug. 17, 2016 1:06 PM - Last modified Apr. 25, 2023 1:52 PM