Seminar on New Book on The International Law of War

The research group is hosting a seminar on a new book, by two of its members, that presents the most important regimes of international law applicable to armed conflict: The use of force, humanitarian law, human rights in armed conflict, international criminal law and the position of terrorists, foreign fighters and military contractors under international law.

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Title: Krigens folkerett - Norge og vår tids kriger/The International Law - Norway and the wars of our time by two reserach group members, Cecilie Hellestveit and Gro Nystuen. The book is publised on the Scandinavian Univeristy Press/Universitetsforlaget. Photoillustration: trimmed book cover, Universitetsforlaget

The laws of war

The book provides an introduction to sources and methodology in international law, with special attention paid to the particularities of the laws of war. The book is intended as teaching material, but it is also written to serve as a handbook. It is written with both legally and non-legally trained readers in mind.

Emphasis on issues relevant to Norway 

The publication is in Norwegian, with a certain emphasis on issues relevant to Norway. In addition, it draws on experiences from a variety of Norwegian military engagements on foreign soil since WWII to illustrate how the rules work, and how international law of armed conflict has relevance for Norwegian soldiers,  decisionmakers,  courts and civil society at large. The book also contains an overview of all Norwegian military engagements on foreign soil since WWII with legal basis.

The table of contents and the foreword 

Published Jan. 24, 2020 12:59 PM - Last modified Oct. 14, 2022 12:03 PM