Global digital human rights network 2022 main event

This conference addresses topical issues concerning challenges to human rights protection online and the regulation and use of artificial intelligence.

Image of a hand interacting with a floating hologram of the world, surrounded by icons representing a digital interface

Illustration photo:


The GDHRNet COST Action systematically explores the theoretical and practical challenges posed by the online context to the protection of human rights. The network addresses whether international human rights law is sufficiently detailed to enable governments and private online companies to understand their respective obligations vis-à-vis human rights protection online. Among others, it evaluates how national governments have responded to the task of providing a regulatory framework for online companies and how these companies have transposed the obligation to protect human rights and combat hate speech online into their community standards. The matters of transparency and accountability are explored through the lens of corporate social responsibility. 

This conference, co-organized by the GDHRNet, NCHR and SERI, addresses some topical issues concerning challenges to human rights protection online and the regulation and use of artificial intelligence. The two keynotes at the beginning and at the end are respectively given by Tobias Judin (Head of International Section, Norwegian Data Protection Authority/ Datatilsynet) and Mart Susi (Chair of the GDHRNet). The two sessions, respectively on “Challenges of human rights protection in the digital domain” and on “AI and human rights”, are based on three presentations and a discussant. The conference will be organized in a hybrid format, with the possibility to participate online via Zoom webinar. 


Registration is now closed. If you have any questions, please get in touch with Emma  Verngård.

The Zoom link will be sent out to registered attendants only, closer to the event.

Program and speaker info


The NCHR is an academic multi- and interdisciplinary Centre at the Faculty of Law, at the University of Oslo. SERI is one of the first academic institutions to take up the challenges posed by information and communication technology (ICT) to law and legal research. The GDHRNet COST Action is a project managed by Tallinn University, involving more than 100 scholars and practitioners from most EU countries and beyond, which systematically explores the theoretical and practical challenges posed by the online context to the protection of human rights.

Collage of logos of the participating institutions

Tags: Human Rights, artificial intelligence (AI), Digital human rights, NCHR, GDHR Network, SERI
Published Aug. 18, 2022 1:52 PM - Last modified Sep. 19, 2022 11:25 AM