Current Issues in Human Rights Research - NCHR Lecture Series: Lecture by Anita Gohdes

The Norwegian Centre for Human Rights welcomes you to this guest lecture by Prof. Anita Gohdes on 'Repression in the Digital Age'

Woman smiling with short blonde hair, wearing a black top and sweater. To the right is the book cover of a book titled 'Repression in the Digital Age' by Anita Gohdes

Book: 'Repression in the Digital Age' (Oxford University Press)

The 'Current Issues in Human Rights Research' Lecture Series

The Norwegian Centre for Human Rights invites leading academics from across the globe to give presentations on their cutting edge research within the field of human rights. The aim of the lecture series is to explore human rights research from several viewpoints and disciplines.

About the lecture

Global adoption of the Internet has exploded, yet we are only beginning to understand the Internet's profound political consequences. Authoritarian states are digitally catching up with their democratic counterparts, and both are showing a growing interest in the use of cyber controls - online censorship and surveillance technologies - that allow governments to exercise control over the Internet.

Under what conditions does a digitally connected society actually help states target their enemies? Why do repressive governments sometimes shut down the Internet when faced with uprisings? And how have cyber controls become a dependable tool in the weapons arsenal that states use in civil conflict?

In Repression in the Digital Age, Anita R. Gohdes addresses these questions, and provides an original and in-depth look into the relationship between digital technologies and state violence. Drawing on large-scale analyses of fine-grained data on the Syrian conflict, qualitative case evidence from Iran, and the first global comparative analysis on Internet outages and state repression, Gohdes makes the case that digital infrastructure supports security forces in their use of violent state repression. More specifically, she argues that mass access to the Internet presents governments who fear for their political survival with a set of response options.

When faced with a political threat, they can either temporarily restrict or block online public access, or they can expand mass access to online information and monitor it to their own advantage. Surveillance allows security forces to target opponents of the state more selectively, while extreme forms of censorship or shutdowns of the Internet occur in conjunction with larger and more indiscriminate repression. As digital communication has become a bedrock of modern opposition and protest movements, Repression in the Digital Age breaks new ground in examining state repression in the information age.

About the lecturer 

Anita R. Gohdes is Professor of International and Cyber Security at the Hertie School in Berlin. She works at the intersection of international security and technology, and is the author of the book “Repression in the Digital Age: Surveillance, Censorship, and the Dynamics of State Violence”, published with Oxford University Press. Previously, she was Assistant Professor of International Relations at the University of Zurich, and postdoctoral research fellow at Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center’s International Security Program.

Her work has appeared in the American Journal of Political Science,  Journal of Politics,  Journal of Peace Research, Journal of Conflict Resolution, and Nature Human Behavior, among others.

Practical Information

Moderator: Prof. Nina Reiners (NCHR)

The lecture will be in English. Due to limited space, participants will have to register prior to the lecture.


Tags: Cybersecurity, Digital age, Human Rights, Human Rights Research, State Violence
Published Mar. 5, 2024 11:11 AM - Last modified Apr. 9, 2024 10:13 AM